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I’m a fag, I’m a Jew, how do you do?
That’s MISTER Anarchist to you.
You think your scene’s dead, but mine got killed
By some dimwit’s ‘Triumph of the Will’

From the all-ages shows to the full wet bars
To the front line squats of the culture wars
I'm not gonna hit you with the dogma or the lecturing
This is a purely personal thing.

You see, Pirate Jenny didn't have no friends when those bulls, they came for her
And Sally Bowle's man, he got pushed up against the wall
Now every time I see a Swiss bank I spit!
You say "resist control"? Well, I mean it!
Cause it was come as you are, in the cattle cars
And not a damn thing you can do about it
'Cept remember!

- The World/Inferno Friendship Society, “Ich Erinnere mich an die Weimarer Republik”

Resist & Remember is an anti-fascist tabletop roleplaying game by Devon Oracz dedicated to honoring, memorializing,  and commemorating those who stood up in the face of fascism, bigotry, and tyranny--and all too often paid the ultimate price--by interactively telling their stories.

KICKSTARTER: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/endtransmissiongames/resist-and-remember-weimar-an-anti-fascist-rpg/
MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/DragonsInDungeons

Resist & Remember: Weimar is the first or "pilot" Uprising of Resist & Remember. Uprisings are places & times where the downtrodden and oppressed fought back and lashed out against the establishment that disenfranchised and persecuted then. Resist & Remember: Weimar contains the entire game and engine "Resist & Remember" in addition to all the Weimar-specific material, as will any future Uprisings (which I plan on creating only if Weimar is successful). Ideas I'm excited to develop into Uprisings include the 1831 Nat Turner slave rebellion, the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York, and the 1992 Rodney King riots in L.A., as well as one more visit with the NSDAP focused on the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. But for now, I'm concerned solely with this first Uprising. 

Resist & Remember: Weimar--is a roleplaying game built into five narrative Acts. The first four of these Acts cast the PCs as artists, barflies, Communist and Anarchist partisans, filmmakers, performer, socialites, writers, and other assorted trouble makers weathering the sea change in culture and society in Berlin from the last days of Weimar Republic through the rise of Nazi Germany. There, you will rub elbows with German artists, thinkers, creators, and other personalities, whose life trajectories parallel those of your characters: some will make it out alive, others will not be so lucky.  

Weimar Berlin at the end of the 1920s and beginning of the 1930s was a progressive, liberal cultural hotbed of radical new ideas in art, music, architecture, and writing, as well as a divided political battleground with Anarchist, Monarchist, and National Socialist partisans fighting in the streets (the early 20th Century equivalent of Black Lives Matter clashing with Trump supporters, although nearly every day). The New Woman shook up the societal landscape, with German girls that were more sexually liberated and independent than ever before. At the same time, cabaret performances and theater were racier and more politically controversial than ever, and people of color were the trendiest musical acts at bars and night clubs. 

In many ways, the Weimar Republic was much like the modern West. In any case, Weimar Berlin was one huge party, until the party was over.    

All of this "Divine Decadence" was viewed by the Nazis as degenerate.

Resist & Remember: Weimar explores and educates about the Weimar Republic, the political and societal factors behind the Nazis' rise to power, explains how the machinations of the Weimar Republic's democratic process resulted in Hitler's election to the office of Chancellor of Germany, and faces down the Nazis' consolidation of power and the terrors which followed.

  • Act I of R&R: Weimar takes place from September, 1930 to November, 1932, the last days of the Weimar Republic in Berlin. 
  • Act II takes place on the night of the Reichstag Fire, February 27th, 1933. 
  • Act III covers the Gleichschaltung--known as Nazification in the west--that took place between 1933 and 1935. 
  • Act IV takes place on Kristallnacht
  • (The setting of Act V is a surprise.)

Resist & Remember is designed so that each player in the game group acts as the GM of one act.

Promotional Art by Colton Muheim.


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Resist & Remember is an anti-fascist historical TTRPG. Using a familiar D20 system, this game is supposed to let players have fun punching Nazis, while also serving as a history lesson to the rise of fascism in the Weimar-era Berlin.

Hi ! I think this is a wonderful project ! Also thank you for educating the... more ignorant people in the comments ! It takes a lot of patience and calm ! Thank you so much :)

thank you for the support, it is much appreciated

(2 edits) (-22)

"Resist & Remember is an anti-fascist tabletop roleplaying game by Devon Oracz dedicated to honoring, memorializing,  and commemorating those who stood up in the face of fascism, bigotry, and tyranny."

So, just to be clear, fascism is often misunderstood and mislabeled. The real definition of fascism is anything which is anti-Christian, anti-conservative and anti-American, as it stands in the facts of the true Republic.

 To say you are anti-fascist, you need to get that. Too many times fascism is a duality sword not often dealt with in the right and factual terms. ANYTHING that is socialist/communist/nazi/LGBTQ+IA is 100 percent fascist and evil. It is not being a bigot to reject sexual immorality, those who try to change and delete real history, and Biblical and real science facts. period. As long as you get that, you will understand why we have the wrong division and deception going on in our world today.


" The real definition of fascism is anything which is anti-Christian, anti-conservative and anti-American, as it stands in the facts of the true Republic."


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis, probably, although apparently it's complicated to source who actually said this. But the point is that fascism can, has, and will again cloak itself in the trappings of American patriotism. This is, in fact, the entire MAGA phenomenon in a nutshell.

"ANYTHING that is socialist/communist/nazi/LGBTQ+IA is 100 percent fascist and evil."

Again, this is literally no one's definition of fascism, except I guess yours, and even then I think you are at best confused. Fascism is 'palingenetic ultranationalism' as Roger Griffin has it. A more in-depth definition that I have a reasonably good understanding of, and agree with, is this one by Umberto Eco.  

Words do, in fact, have meanings, it is not subjective. And because I sense it probably matters to you, please keep in mind, Roger Griffin and Umberto Eco were old white male scholars, not idk, nonbinary gender-fluid BIPOC zoomer Cultural Marxists.

" It is not being a bigot to reject sexual immorality, those who try to change and delete real history, and Biblical and real science facts. period."

Nothing in the bible is a "fact" in the sense that say, gravity, or the earth being round, is a fact. When you talk about "deleting real history", the thing that comes to my mind is holocaust denial.

(1 edit) (-13)

You need serious help. Communist/socialist/nazi witchcraft has deceived and killed multiple millions. And if you support that, you are definitely and most certainly part of the problem, which is hurting, not helping. Wake up. Don't be woke! And Biblical history is true history that has been proven. Hitler hated Christianity and that was his main ideology focus. He admitted that many times. 

(1 edit) (+5)

I'll be honest, there is a very tempting 'Ban..' button under each of your posts, but I haven't touched it because I've had a rough week and I find your ongoing idiocy  amusing. Please do carry on making an absolute clown of yourself.

"Communist/socialist/nazi witchcraft has deceived and killed multiple millions."

nuh-uh. Nazi witchcraft is plainly bad--I've killed enough imaginary undead Nazis to know that--but communist/socialist witchcraft is the cool and good kind lmao.

"Wake up. Don't be woke!"

this is you reaching your personal peak of coherency... or did you honestly think this was clever, like, does this qualify to you as a witticism?

"And Biblical history is true history that has been proven."

I'd say 'citation needed' but the statement isn't even coherent enough to warrant that. What the fuck does any part of this statement actually fucking mean my guy?

"Hitler hated Christianity and that was his main ideology focus. He admitted that many times. "

Citation very, very badly needed mon frere. Hitler mainly hated Christianity so much he murdered six million Jews? Interesting theory...what was his master plan there? 

also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Christians_(movement)

also also https://www.ushmm.org/collections/bibliography/christianity-and-the-holocaust

or maybe you want to come out and actually deny the holocaust? because then I'm pretty sure itch will rightly step in and swing the ban hammer for me and it'll be site wide.

(1 edit) (-1)

you need to study real history. I had family DIE in the Holocaust. The survivors will show you and tell you everything I say is true. If you are having a bad day or life, try trusting our Lord Jesus Christ, who NEVER hurt ANYONE. And yet millions of us have been mocked, harassed and killed, more so than any other person and group, throughout history. FACT. You can think on that. We are NOT the enemy.


Lol you are on the WRONG site dude


I am in the right place. Maybe people need to listen, and stop being part of the problem.


As a German anti-fascist I endorse the theme of this game, but a bit more attention to detail would go a long way in making this sales pitch less embarrassing.

While having the supposed Weimar-era Nazi graffiti be a google-translated Trumpism is deeply cringeworthy, it's a choice, and it can definitely be argued for. Remembering means applying the lessons of the past, and as such a hint at the present isn't out of the question.
On the other hand, proudly proclaiming your fourth chapter is set on the night of the November Progrom, the "Reichspogromnacht", but then using and misspelling the euphemism "Kristallnacht" (a lot more than glass was broken that night) is a mistake at a very critical point that casts doubt on whether enough care was taken with researching the subject matter.

(6 edits) (+3)

Hi Nico,

Thank you for the feedback. The "Make Germany Great Again" art as commissioned was deliberately crass and unsubtle. I am aware (moreso now than when the creative decision was made) that it might come off as "cringe" (a word we didn't use as universally to describe anything and everything bad even the short three years ago when this game was made) but you are very correct in identifying it as a deliberate creative decision. Extreme unsubtlety was very much the point.

I did not realize I had typo'd Kristallnacht here on itch.io, how embarrassing! Thank you for pointing out the typo! I wish someone had pointed it out when I first uploaded this to itch, but better late than never I suppose. I went in and fixed my typo.

I am not sure if you have purchased and/or read the actual game, but the Kristallnacht chapter alone is 35 pages long. I am quite proud of the research I did during this game's development and crowdfunding, it wasn't comprehensive or exhaustive but I think it was substantial. If you have not actually read the game, it occurs to me that you are reading far too much into an actual typo I literally didn't know about until just now.

(1 edit) (+1)(-23)

How about resisting & remembering communism?  We are far closer to a communist dictatorship than we are to a fascist one, but for some reason the left these days considers communists warm & fuzzy, despite communism being responsible for more deaths than anything else in the history of the planet

This is not to say that we shouldn't keep a watchful eye out against becoming too far right wing, it's just frustrating as a politically centrist gamer to see a FLOOD of anti-fascist stuff out there and nothing about the evils of communism.


...that seems especially timely because communists just tried to violently overthrow the US government oh wait...that was fascists? Okay.

"it's just frustrating as a politically centrist gamer to see a FLOOD of anti-fascist stuff out there and nothing about the evils of communism."

As a socialist progressive I find centrists extremely frustrating. Often more so than quote-unquote "conservatives" (increasingly a misnomer in the era of trumpism). There really is no such thing as too much anti-fascism. 

With less snark: I don't worry about the kinds of idiots for whom communism has some kind of cache (I think my Zoomer chums  on the Left call them "tankies"?). These people are idiots but they aren't the idiots that have been engaging in acts of stochastic terrorism motivated by the rhetoric of their toxic ideology. 

I'm an American so that colors my perspective when I say that for everyone my age and older growing up in the United States, neither "fascism is bad" nor "Stalinism was bad" was exactly a "hot take".  Both of these things were so glaringly obvious and fundamentally inarguable for most of my life that I never would have dreamed back in 2006 that in the 2010s/2020s being an antifascist would be some kind of a statement, and that I'd be making a statement that "fascism is bad, m'kay?". \

Then Charlottesville happened. Then the President's response to Charlottesville happened. American Communists have, as far as I know, killed no one in the last decade. That is not true of American fascists and their enablers in the establishment.

Mainstream society has always agreed on the rather obvious fact that unreformed Stalinist communism is REALLY REALLY BAD. But about five years ago as we entered the era of Drumpf and Drumpfism it seemed like millions and millions of Americans were starting to be much more accepting of openly fascistic ideas. Communism--not socialism, I mean full on Stalinist state-property fuck your civil liberties capital C COMMUNISM as it failed in the USSR and China--isn't any more popular in Western society now than it ever was. Socialism is more popula,r, and growing more popular by the day but as I am personally a socialist I obviously don't think that's a bad thing. It's fascism--cryptofascism, jingoism, palingenetic ultranationalism, ethnonationalism, Nazis by any other name--that has shown an ALARMING amount of mainstream appeal among so-called "conservatives" and an equally alarming amount of downplaying by political centrists.

Thank you for your comments, though. I appreciate the opportunity for civil political discourse, it's all too rare these days.


You have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about. LOL


"that seems especially timely because communists just tried to violently overthrow the US Government oh wait...that was fascists?

No, that was communists.

You're a product of an education that presented a distorted worldview in order to present a skewed left wing view of policies and history.  Most people are these days, and I've only ever seen one accept a fact.  One time I was able to provide a strident feminist talking about toxic men are and how gendered both intimate partner and sexual violence were.  She was giving the standard 1 in 4 stat I was able to respond to her stats from feminista by telling her how that survey for one didn't include men at all and so of course reported no problem with them, and secondly that study has become famous in psychology for how to NOT bias your results because the questioners counted  "have you ever been raped" and "have you ever had sexual experience you regretted" as the same question, so any woman who ever regretted a one-night-stand or had a bad breakup ended up in the "rape victim" column.

People such as yourself are essentially incapable of rational thought.  You've been brought up since children to think with your emotions.  This is how you get to a preposterous notion like a few loudmouths running round were an "insurrection."  Now this is the most secure place on the planet.  Try putting your thinking hat on for just a second here: which is more likely, that a couple dozen bucktoothed mostly unarmed rednecks completely surprised and then overwhelmed the security forces protecting all of the people and all of the confidential data in the capital, or do you think just perhaps the DNC and the capitol police decided to make a weak spot in the security to tempt a situation, then bring it easily under control and have every politician and news anchor ready with the "insurrectionist" term immediately.  

Now here it is 2022 and you're still talking about it.  Is anybody talking about the 50 people who died during the riots?  Is anybody talking about how much of the government information about the virus ended up being wrong?  Is anybody talking about the billions of dollars in damage the riots did?  Is anybody talking about how many low skilled workers lost their jobs because their places of work were smashed?  Nope.

50 deaths, billions of dollars in damages, arrests and riots all across the country.  But what are you concerned about?  You're concerned about some right wingers who do not, never have, and never will pose a threat to this nation.  

It's a great propaganda job that people just love to fall for, because it excuses their feelings of guilt over looting stores and donating the money to BLM who just stole it and bought cars and real estate


cool story, bro


Look at what Kasparov has been saying. Warning people about the evils of communism, and its ideological remnants that exist today -- BUT -- warning that calling anyone in the current US political climate "communists" is not helpful.