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WSAAHTF (Hack To The Future) is a hack of Jared Sinclair's "What's So Cool About Outer Space?". It's set in the mid-late 21st century (20XX), the neon techno dark and gritty cyberpunk future as envisioned in the year 1984 by William Gibson. "Terminal-stage capitalism", man-machine cybernetic interfaces, direct neural interface to cyberspace (INTERNET but w/ full-immersion VR as its UI), datajacks, megacorporate nation states,  mirrorshades, monofilament whips, cyberdolphin junkies, drones, guns, drugs, future noire. As seems to be the style or custom with #WSCA it doesn't have a specific setting, just a milieu. 

It is a rules lite GMed game about crime and teamwork. One or more of the players play Field Ops, the cybered-up well-equipped ethically flexible crime crew doing a "gig", i.e. a heist. One or more of the players play Hackers, remote individuals not physically present but "the guy in the chair" or "the guy with the screens" providing information, coordination, and support in real time by compromising the systems of the facility that the Field Ops are infiltrating/defending/escaping or whatever. W/o the Hacker, the Field Ops team stands no chance, and the Hacker can't complete certain objectives remotely, so relies on the Field Operatives.

One thing's for sure, they're all certainly playing the same game--the game of doing high tech crimes IN THE FUTURE--at the same time. Which some might call a rare accomplishment for a game where cyberspace and the physical world coexist.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
TagsCyberpunk, Hacking, hacking-simulator, Sci-fi, scifi, Tabletop, wsca


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What's So Awesome About Hacking The Future? 172 kB

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